creating a healthy lifestyle for mothers and women everywhere

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

pp cream.

I tried to think of a better name.. but it is what it is... or is it??
I have this thing. I like ice cream, but I'm intolerant. So I'm either hitting up red mango or making my own.
Stick with me here cause I'm about to throw you for a loop. If you thought putting spinach in your shakes was crazy you might just take me off your google reader for this one...

Don't scoff just yet...there is more..

okay, ice cream.. candice are you for real?
yes, yes I'am. 
Pistachio Protein Ice cream!! 

Old people like it and now you will to. Its a real thing, and its actually very sweet. Or maybe I just have the taste buds of the elderly.. either way its good. 

Put in your blender in this order

1/2 avocado
1 scoop vanilla protein
1/2 C. Pistachios
2 frozen bananas
splash of almond milk (if you add to much it will be more of a smoothie consistency)
1 tbs of agave (optional) I didn't use any and it was good. 

Place blender on medium speed and you may need to use the agitator (if you have a vitamix) or just use a spoon to get it going. Within a minute you'll have this.

I topped it with a few pistachios because I love texture and crunch in my cream;)

Pistachio Protein Ice Cream AKA.. PP cream

Creamy, nutty, healthy perfection. 
And your kids might laugh and eat it all if you tell them its called PP cream. 
just sayin'


A few weeks ago I did this amazingly sweaty workout at the gym and wanted to repeat it today but since my foot is injured I wasn't able to. But I'm going to share it with you, so maybe one of you will do it for me!! 

Start on the treadmill:
30 pushups
Run one mile
30 pushups
StarClimber till you burn 100 calories AFAP
30 pushups
Stair Climber to 100 calories
30 pushups
Run one more mile on the treadmill AFAP
30 pushups

You will be a sweaty hot mess. You may also do one more mile if you feel up to it! Let me know if you try it! This is a great workout for those like me have ADD when running on the treadmill.. I love this workout because you are jumping from one machine to the other to the floor and back again. The harder you push the faster you will get done, but also realize its YOUR workout, you can do it at your pace! 
Have fun!! 

Q. Whats your favorite flavor of Ice cream/Frozen yogurt
I'm an original kind of girl.. Red Mango Original tart with fruit and nuts is and will always be my #1
Q. Do you have Treadmill ADD ?
I can go for miles outside but for some reason the miles drag when I'm on the treadmill so I have to switch it up! 

1 comment:

  1. that ice cream looks interesting, but im gonna try it! i love avacado, i love pistachios so why not!?
