I was SO exhausted from my day of cleaning, I hardly had motivation to do my workout I planned on.. So I decided to switch things up and go to BODY STEP. Which was exactly what I needed to get me going, after class (which kicked my booty) I wanted to do a few lifts
R & L incline abs: with 25lb faceplate 15 reps 3 sets. Alternating each side.
kettleball swings: 3 sets of 20
deadlifts: 3 sets of 15 with 75lbs (my bum is going to be feeling this tomorrow..especially after a step class!)
ABS: crutches with the medicine ball, as many reps as possible (amrap)
obliques with cable pull, 20 reps 3 sets, 45 lbs.
Now I'm home to spend a little time with my husband.. Well, as soon as he gets home from the gym!
(We take turns going, so one of us is home with the babies)
Thank goodness for an understanding husband to let me get a little me time!!