This morning before heading off to workout, I fueled up with some oats and egg whites with a dollop of Almond Butter!
Best fuel for some heavy squats!
Tuesdays at GPP are our “heavy” days, where we either work on a skills, flexibility, olympic lifts, or squat heavy niz.
12 is A LOT of reps. So the key to today, was to really not be AHAP for a MAX rep, but just heavy enough to keep good form (as always) by really sitting back into the heels, hitting below parallel, getting a nice stretch at the bottom of the squat, working on the flexibility.
Mission accomplished. #135 was rough and took a few deep breathes to get through.
I thought about running after but my legs were shot, so I opted for a fun Costco trip instead.
Bee insisted on walking.. but got tired by the time we hit the back of the store and took a seat to rest. Because her legs “felt like oodles!”
It really does shock me what kids pick up on. As we were walking out of the gym, I told Bee my legs felt like noodles..
Daughter like Mother.
Tanner just kept asking for snacks… No samples were out today.. he was so confused! Costco should have snacks all day, everyday… how else would I deal with lunchtime and shop with two impatient two year olds.
I came home and threw together this huge and fantastic salad.
It not super colorful.. mostly green… but it was delicious!
- Spinach
- Cucumber
- Broccoli
- Avocado
- Onion
- Tilapia
Got my veggies in for the day.
I used Annies Honey Mustard dressing that I got as a “managers special” Please and thank you!
So good I might just have it again tomorrow.. I have 3lbs of spinach so it might even be dinner.
After naps today, (I even took a nap and it was wonderful) I took the kiddos to dance. Bee has been asking to go to dance a lot lately so I caved and enrolled her ASAP.
She did great! Tanner even stayed to dance around. He did good too! They both couldn’t stop telling me about all the fun things they did and learned.
Their teacher was great at keeping them entertained the whole hour by making it fun throughout the whole class.
Here they are doing bunny hops as a warm-up!
When we got home I had a quick snack
I had a piece of “paleo bread” from Julians Bakery., with avocado, garlic gold and tuna fish.
It was a perfect snack before heading out to celebrate the night with the fam!
It was a fish kind of day!
What is your favorite type of seafood?
All food! I “see” food I eat it!
I’m so funny…
funny we ate tuna sandwiches for lunch today. we haven't had those in a LONG time. it was delish. there are so many good seafoods. jumbo coconut shrimp may just be my fav. the hubs and i usually order them whenever we go out for a "special" occasion.
ReplyDeleteFun day! I love seeing the kiddos in dance classes. I'm enrolling Kay in kiddo gymnastics soon. Wahoo. I am going to have to look for that salad dressing. My favorite kind of seafood...oh gosh...special occasion=lobster, day to day= shrimp!
ReplyDeleteI am not a seafood lover. I have recently started a relationship with the tilapia from Costco. Me likey. I also really like tuna and most other seafood items that aren't fish (ie:// shrimp, crab, etc.)
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe you squatted 135# 12 times. I maxed out at 105 and probably pansied out a little too but holy sore legs batman!