creating a healthy lifestyle for mothers and women everywhere

Saturday, November 5, 2011

{First Snowfall}

This morning we woke up to snow! I have decided this needs to be a positive thing in my mind. Every year I kinda, sorta.. Okay, I really complain about it. It is beautiful and actually gets me really excited for the holidays.

And I get to have more Oats for breakfast! There is something about the comfort of oats on a snowy morning.


Before pump this morning and fueled up with some pumpkin oats. I mixed 1/3 c. of GF oats with 2 egg whites and cooked for about 1:30 in the microwave then stirred in some pumpkin puree, cinnamon, nutmeg and a little agave. Never fails.


During the winter it can be a little tough to get your yourself out the door to get your workout done. Running in 20 degree temps doesn’t sound appealing now does it?


So.. this is why I was chose to run on the treadmill today.


My legs were feeling pretty Jell-O like after body pump this morning but I wanted to get a run in. I completed another tabata sprint workout like this one. Then ran an additional 2 miles to make it an even 5.

Winter Workout Tips

Here are some tips to continue healthy habits throughout the winter season.

  • Aim to get it done first thing in the morning. You don’t have to pack up the kids to take them to the daycare, and you won’t have to dwindle on it all day. Just go and get it done. (I LOVE my morning workout sessions!)
  • Throw your clothes in the dryer before heading out. That way you get to put on some cozy warm clothes before you get out to your car.
  • Make a plan! Decide what your workout will be before you go. If I find a good workout in a magazine or online somewhere, Ill jot it down and throw it in my gym bag. That way you always have a workout ready to go! You can find some AMAZING ones here.
  • Register for a early season race! That way you have to stick to some sort of training plan through the winter. I did it.. and you can to!
  • Shovel your driveway.. then your neighbors and maybe the sidewalk! FOR TIME… I actually really enjoy turning house chores into workouts! It motivates me to get it done a little faster and well.. just get them doneWinking smile
  • Get a friend! This is probably a dead giveaway, but when someone is depending on you to meet them at the gym you are more likely to show up.
  • Bring Healthy treats/snacks to potlucks and/or get together! You never know what will be served at the party so if you can offer to bring something like a veggie/fruit tray are easy to throw together.
  • Try something new- You may find a new class or different workout exciting and something to look forward to! Rather, it be Pilates, cross-training, or spin!
  • Home workout videos- Dust off the videos just incase there is a MAJOR—I mean.. major storm outside.. literally like you can’t even pull out of your driveway kind of storm.. Or if you don’t have access to a gym they can be a good alternative! Having some sort of home workout video or plyometric workout will insure you are able to get your workout done! NO EXCUSES!


Q. Are you a snow lover?

Q. Do you have a winter workout tip? PLEASE SHARE!


  1. The bowl of oats looks awesome! Getting your workout in first thing rocks. I despise snow

  2. I am so jealous you guys got snow! Husband and I are making plans to spend Christmas and NYE in Colorado, so hopefully I'll be seeing some SOON! :) I do love snow. Before moving to Texas, I always had a season pass to Mt. Hood Meadows and Timberline, shreddin' it up. Not anymore :( My awesome winter workout tip? CHAPSTICK!

  3. Not a big fan of snow here. :( It makes it harder to run outside & I'd much rather run outside than inside on the dreadmill.

    My winter running tips are pretty much the same as yours. I always make sure I sign up for a race early in the year to keep me motivated throughout winter.
