At GPP we have a board known as the GPP Wall of PAIN. You can read more about it here.
It is where we record PR’s of the entire community. It includes 1 RM of movements, time records of certain workouts, MAX push-ups, Double-unders, and a few other fitness challenges.
The board is all for fun and is to inspire others to reach a goal of their own.
We are all strong in different aspects, whether it be in the gym or in our life. We are also not great at everything that comes our way, but we can always try to be better. That is just what I’m trying to do.
I want to be my best me. How about you?
Yesterday, I set a new PR with my power clean. I probably wouldn’t even of attempted 140 if it wasn’t the support and encouragement from my coach and friends.
140! Last time, I pulled 125 just 2 months ago, so I was surprised that I PR’ed by 15lbs.
I went for the 145 but failed 3X… I think I just have to get a faster transition to get under the bar, oh and probably not be afraid of it. I feel like I hesitate a little bit.. next time.
Today’s workout was sweaty and fun.
I decided to practice a few different skills- double unders and clean and jerk. I didn’t hit a PR with my doubles- max was 21.. I hold my breathe… must breath… Something to work on right?! Although.. you think breathing would come naturally.. ha!
I got up to 125. I was feeling a little low on energy today so I called it good for the day.
So, I have had a few PR’s but have a few things I need to work on.
Speed: I need to get the transition faster in both the clean and the jerk. Coach Meg helped me realize that if I get more speed, I will be able to get more OH. So, I’m going to work on it. It’s the little things that can make a big difference. THANKS MEG!
I have been staying up WAY to late watching the Olympics and I can tell the lack of sleep is starting to get to me. Once the Olympics are over I’ll make a goal to get to bed at a decent hour.. but until then it would just be an unrealistic goal. Lets just face it.
I’m cutting it short tonight. Its time for BED. Riiiiiiiight after the female 400m hurdles..
Question of the Day:
What is something you are working to be better at? In the gym or life in general.
You are so damn strong! Inside and out.
ReplyDeleteHey there! Dang I need to get into the free weights and tone up a bit :) I've got some Life stuff to work on first though. Priorities right??
ReplyDeleteQuestion for you.....Wanna Run Ragnar Colorado Sept 6-7th? We pretty much need a whole Van still. Yes gotta love Ragnar and the lack of committment from people. We've had drop outs and only have weeks to find more people. You interested and maybe your friends?? Hit me up asap if you are.
Yay Ragnar.
sorry 7th and 8th not 6th and 7th
ReplyDeleteWow you've made some amazing progress! Its always great to realize what we need to work on and do things to help those goals come true.
ReplyDeleteHaha I'm the same way with my breathing:)