Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Another post!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
New post!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Hungry Mother Runner LAUNCHED!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Moab Car Show & Workout
Hey guys!! Thought I’d drop in super quick and let you know how the trip is going so far!
Baylee and I left last night to catch up with these two handsome guys!
We arrived pretty late last night so the kids were beyond tired!
Brent let Tanner stay up and wait for us.
We are all sleeping in one room and T&B are not the best sleepers on vacation…. so needless to say we were up at 5:30AM..
My SIL Janey goes to GPP with me and was up willing to do a workout. I was a little tired but once we got going I felt SO much better!!
Here is what we were able to throw together.
After the workout I fueled up on some Prooats with half a banana and egg whites with veggies! Oh… and a rockstar. {Breakfast of Champs….}
After breakfast we headed to the car show.
My FIL has a ‘56 Chevy that he puts in the car show every year, so we hung out there for a little bit and admired all the classics, played at the park and snacked on sugar roasted almonds. aka. crack.
Now were back and attempting to put the twins down for a nap… proving to be unsuccessful so far Guess the kids what a vacation from nap time….
Hope your weekend is off to a great start!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Creamy Edamame Chicken Penne Rigate
Hey guys!! Sorry I’ve been absent the last couple days! I’m alive. I have been spending my blogging time working on some tech stuff of my NEW BLOG!! I can’t wait to share it with you all! Its been a LONG process.. all the little nit and grit seems to take the longest! It is going to be much easier to use, navigate, search and comment. Anyway, that is my excuse.
Creamy Edamame Chicken Penne Rigate
- 1 1/2 C. Penne Rigate Noodles
- 1/2 C. Edamame hummus {give or take depending on how creamy you want it.}
- 6 oz. Grilled Chicken
- 2 Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 Yellow pepper diced
- 2 Mini Cucumbers sliced
- Mrs. Dash Tomato basil to season
- Half avocado sliced to garnish.
Prepare Noodles and Chicken
Dice all vegetables.
As soon as pasta is done, drain the noodles and transfer into medium size bowl and mix in the hummus and olive oil.
Add the chicken and veggies
Stir well, while sprinkling with. the Mrs. Dash.
Serve immediately.
Baylee and Tanner devoured this! I was actually surprised by how much they loved it! It got them out of the sandwich or quesadilla lunch rut we have been in!
You can store and re-heat for later, {or eat it cold!}
I finally had a good run outside! Its been cold and today Utah decided to warm up! I slept in this morning and headed out a little later. I covered a little over 4 miles but… died! Legit. I took it right off the charger and it died within the first mile of my run.
It may be time to upgrade the good ol’ wrist satellite.
I’m hoping its not dead. dead.
We are headed to Moab this weekend for the first family trips of the “summer”. Brent left this morning with Tanner which means it was just Bee and I until we leave to catch up with them tomorrow! So what do girls do when the boys are gone?
SHOP of course!!
I will admit, I had so much fun with Bee today! She loved shopping with me and had to go up and down every escalator and holding the bags!
Shopping with one kid is a BREEZE compared to when I have both!
I’m sure she will be a professional shopper by age 3.
She was positive those shoes looked cute. She even told me they matched….
Tomorrow we are headed to the Red Rock! Word on the street is we have wi-fi at the condo we are staying at! I’ll be blogging as usual!
What Garmin or other pace tracker do you use and love?
Anyone have any races coming up?
Monday, April 22, 2013
Back to GPP and a Super Star
Mondays come to fast!
Luckily, today flew by! It was a normal BUSY Monday around here. Coaching, workout, Costco,7 loads of laundry-washed AND put away, Body Attack, and basketball tournament.
I ate my breakfast at the gym today in my car before coaching a couple morning classes.
Then I did the workout today! I have taken the last three weeks off of GPP and running because I was feeling a little over trained (to say the least.) I missed the workouts like crazy and was so excited to dive back in with the community and storm the WODS. I felt fresh and ready, but still took it easy and didn’t go full speed.
The workout today was in 3 parts.
The sprints were FUN! It is such a short distance but accelerating quickly and coming to a stop like that sure has its benefits! It uses your push and explosive muscles AND your core! Cool stuff.
The deadlifts were heavy but my hamstrings are my powerhouse, and I love the deads. I Rx’d the workout! The clapping pushups were ROUGH and meak looking by the time I got to 5. But hey, I finished and it felt good to sweat like that again.
After the workout I had to ran to Costco for spinach and ended up spending WAY more then $3.79.. Happen to anyone else? Costco may be worse then Target…
Lunch came quick in the form of two eggs, sweet potato and broccoli.
The chocolate sauce that I put on my sweet potatoes is actually 1 TBS of PB2 and 1 TBS of chocolate protein powder! It is my favorite combo lately. Kinda weird but REALLY good! Seriously, TRY IT!
It was great fuel to get me through the Laundry apocalypse. Which consisted of probably 7 loads. I even put them away and that never happens! (Least favorite chore ever!) I gave myself a pat on the back and celebrating by digging into my quart of red mango… cause that’s what everyone does right?
I taught Body Attack tonight, it was a fun class and I got sweat in my eyeballs.. that is how you know it was a good class!
Afterwards I shot home because I had a scheduled basketball tourney with this handsome little dude.
I seriously can’t get enough of him! He was so funny! I would throw him the assist then he would shoot and proudly exclaim that he won, and every basket was at least 3 points.
What a stud.
My computer wouldn’t recognize my phone so this post is getting up ober late! SORRY. Technology hates me. And Apple apparently.
OFF to bed!
What is the longest break you have taken from working out?
Which store is the best money pit for you? Costco or Target?

Sunday, April 21, 2013
16 layers of Jell-o and My breakfast everyday.
Good morning! Happy Sunday!
My breakfast this WHOLE week has been a oatmeal frenzy! I’m a huge fan of oatmeal because it is SO versatile. You can throw anything in the mix and fill satisfied for the entire morning!
Eating breakfast is SO important! You should eat your breakfast within a half hour of waking up to ensure a revved metabolism that is essential to burn fat and not to mention feel energized and ready for whatever your day may bring.
To make my oatmeal, I measure a 1/2 C. Rolled oats and 3/4 C. of egg whites into a microwave safe bowl and cook for 3 minutes in the microwave.
Then I get all crazy up in here with my mix-ins.
- Chia seeds
- Strawberries
- Flax seeds
- 1 Tbs. of coconut oil
- Stevia liquid drops
- Protein PB2 drizzled on the top!
Carbs, Protein, Healthy fats, and omegas all in one bowl!
Perfect breakfast if you ask me!
Yesterday, started bright and early! It was launch weekend at one of the gyms I teach at. We launched combat and then I taught body pump. We had a packed house for both classes! Got to love it. I even grabbed some free yogurtland they were handing out on my way out the door!
It was also the SLC marathon yesterday! The weather was dreadful. It was raining, hailing, windy and really just not the greatest conditions that you would want to race in. I was so impressed and inspired by all those that ran it. I sold my bib about a month ago because I have a vacation next weekend and couldn’t miss work two weeks in a row.
I had several friends run the marathon, even a couple who ran Boston on Monday!
At the expo they had this banner that all the runners could sign to send to Boston.
If you look close you can tell there is not ONE inch left on it. THAT is cool.
My friend Walker ran the entire marathon holding the American flag!
{Thanks for the pics Liz!}
Runners do not back down! Despite the casualties in Boston, we do not let them weaken us, it made us STRONGER!
Afterwards, I didn’t even have time to shower {what’s new?} before we had to be at a birthday party! My friends little girl turned ONE! So we headed to celebrate and I couldn’t get over the amazingness that is this 16 LAYER JELL-O.
You would have to be that most patient person on earth to make it. In fact, my friends mom made it and she takes care of T and B for me while I work so I KNOW she has the patience of a saint. Maybe one day, I’ll test mine through Jell-o. Probably not though. When it comes to food there is no such thing.
The kids ate their Jell-o on the floor… It was a jammin party and I didn’t want them to drop anything on carpet so they partied there. They didn’t seem to mind.
I ate lunch when I got home..and it was weird.
Eggs, Spinach, sweet potato with avocado and a sweet potato with protein PB2 on top!
I accidently added to much liquid to my PB2and it looks more like soup then syrup but eh, whatever it still tasted good.
Later in the day, we went for a walk and bee was all ready to go with her cat hat.
My SIL came with us!
Then of course we decided we needed fro-yo post walk. Mainly because I didn’t get to eat the Yogurtland earlier because it hurts my stomach, and I couldn’t get it off my mind so we headed to my favorite fro-you.
They recently came out with RASPBERRY SORBETTO and I tell you this stuff is dreamy!
It is GF, SUGAR FREE, and DAIRY FREE and only sweetened with stevia which makes it 10-15 calories an ounce. Not to mention that its packed with probiotics that make my tummy happy!
I dug right in, This stuff is creamy! I obviously couldn’t get enough because I bought a quart to take home.
I filled it a little high…”on accident.” Someone couldn’t keep her little fingers out of it either!
B and T can’t get enough of the good stuff!
It was a great way to wrap up the day!
Do you eat fro-yo post workout too?
Who else’s inner “fat kid” buys a QUART of fro-yo to take home too?
Did you run/race yesterday?!